Information about spectran analizer (Elektrosensibilität)

charles ⌂ @, Montag, 04.08.2008, 17:24 (vor 5984 Tagen) @ maxilena

Conventional LF meters do give you the max value of a field, within a certain frequency field, but you do not know what the main disturbing...

Ok I had already known the difference between meter and analyzer and even for this reason I like Spectrans, but after reading those reports I was worried about its correct working and accuracy and for this reason I had asked you information about.
On Sma input, can I connect a manual electrode, to measure electric voltage absorbed by person,? Where I can find it?
Which options do you think are really useful ?

You can make one yourself.

It is astonishing to see how many frequencies the body adepts from surrounding electrical apparatus.

For measurung the body voltage according to the SBM2008, one has to use a multimeter, connected to ground and a handelectrode for the hand, wherby the person should lie on a bed (potential free).

Charles Claessens

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