Die Praxis hat mehrmals gezeigt dass unter Einfluss von Elektrosmog-Feldern biologische Effekte, wie erhöhte Blutdruckwerte, oder Anstieg von Blutzuckerspiegel auftreten können.
Nur, niemand hat hierzu eine richtige Studie unternommen (ausser Magda Havas).
Sie sind gelernter Maschinenbauer, ich gelernter Nachrichtentechniker. Von selbsternannten Experten habe ich die Nase randvoll. Schauen wir also einmal nach, was echte Experten zu Magda Havas' DECT-Studie zu sagen haben:
SCINHR (2015): Besides Spichtig et al. (2012) and Wallace et al. (2012), which have already been mentioned, Havas et al. (2010), Havas and Marrongelle (2013), Parazzini et al. (2013), and Choi et al. (2014) investigated RF-EMF effects in heart rate (HR) and its variability (HRV). Due to problems with the exposure setup, the studies by Havas et al. (2010) and Havas and Marrongelle (2013) are not further discussed.
WHO (2014/2015): Havas et al. (Havas et al., 2010) exposed volunteers with and without IEI-EMF to pulse modulated 590 signals from a cordless phone base station. The authors claimed to find a consistent effect on autonomic 591 responses based on monitored heart rates, with similar results for those with and without IEI-EMF. [However, no statistical tests were presented and concerns have been raised about the likely nterference of the RF signals on the heart rate monitors (Trottier & Kofsky, 2009). These concerns about artefacts are strengthened by the authors own observation that heart rate responses and recovery were immediate in relation to the RF signals.]
Safety Code 6 (2014): The noticeable exception was the Havas and Marrongelle study (2013), which reported large changes in the heart rate (a doubling or more) of subjects when the base station of a cordless DECT phone was brought close to them. The reason for this apparent disagreement in study findings is unclear at present. The study designs of these different studies differed considerably.
The study appears to have uncovered a very large biological effect from exposures far below SC6 (2013) limits. However, there are reasons to question the reliability of the results. The study employed a commercial heart rate variability (HRV) instrument (Intellewave, Ronkonkoma, NY), which displayed the heart rate but not the electrocardiogram from which the heart rate had been calculated by the device. Consequently, artifacts in the measurement could easily have been overlooked. To determine the heart rate and HRV reliably, the instrument has to reliably identify the QRS waves in the ECG, and it is sensitive to electromagnetic interference from external sources. (The manual for the instrument cautions the user to keep the subject "away from powered electrical equipment or other sources of electromagnetic interference"). These results need to be independently confirmed in a study with better design, including independent measurement of the ECG and heart rate to rule out possible artifacts.
Noch Fragen?
Da Magda Havas keine "normale" Wissenschaftlerin ist, sondern sich seit langem ausgiebige Bäder in der Anti-Mobilfunk-Szene gönnt und mit ihren Alarm-Websites mMn kommerzielle Ziele verfolgt, halte ich sie für eine nicht ergebnisoffene Alarmsirene, die zwar von der Anti-Mobilfunk-Szene emsig hofiert wird, in Wissenschaftlerkreisen jedoch bedeutunglos ist. Ich könnte mir z.B. vorstellen, Havas' DECT-Versuchaufbau war nicht unabsichtlich so dilettantisch, damit Confounder zum gewünschten Ergebnis führen. Das ganze Auftreten von Havas bringt mich zu diesem Verdacht, den ich freilich nicht nachweisen kann.
Alles über Magda Havas
Jedes komplexe Problem hat eine Lösung, die einfach, naheliegend, plausibel – und falsch ist.
– Frei nach Henry Louis Mencken (1880–1956) –