George Carlo wollte Lai und Singh feuern (Allgemein)

KlaKla, Dienstag, 17.09.2019, 14:40 (vor 1867 Tagen) @ H. Lamarr
bearbeitet von KlaKla, Dienstag, 17.09.2019, 15:08

Peer Review in the Raw
N.P. Singh, the Comet Assay and “Radiation Research” April 27, 2017 Last updated May 9, 2019

Auszug: I got to know Singh in the mid-1990’s after he and Henry Lai surprised just about everyone with the news that microwaves could cause DNA breaks in the brains of rats. News of their findings leaked out and spread quickly within industry circles. Even before they had published their first paper together, operatives from Motorola and the CTIA, the powerful industry lobby group, came to their lab to see what they could find out.

At the time, the nascent cell phone industry was still reeling from a lawsuit, filed a couple of years earlier by David Reynard of St Petersburg, FL. Reynard claimed that his wife had developed a fatal brain tumor after using a cell phone. Lai and Singh’s peer-reviewed paper would likely be Exhibit A in any future litigation unless the industry could show that their work was faulty and unrepeatable.

In the wake of Reynard’s allegations, CTIA, led by Tom Wheeler, pledged research to rebut all health claims. Wheeler brought in George Carlo, a Washington-based fixer, to help him put out the fire. The strategy was simple: Do as little as possible to resolve the science. After all there was always the risk that research might prove Reynard right. Lai-Singh’s DNA results threatened to expose the hollowness of CTIA's and Carlo’s plan. ...

... Lai and Singh were also jerked around by George Carlo and those running his CTIA research program. In the end, their frustrations with Carlo grew so great that they wrote a history of what they called “a very strange experience” and less politely “a disgrace to the American research establishment.” Carlo threatened to sue them for libel, but soon dropped the case.

Im Gefolge von Reynards Vorwürfen versprach CTIA, angeführt von Tom Wheeler, Forschung zu betreiben, um alle gesundheitsbezogenen Angaben zu widerlegen. Wheeler holte George Carlo, einen Fixierer aus Washington, um ihm zu helfen, das Feuer zu löschen. Die Strategie war einfach: Tun Sie so wenig wie möglich, um die Wissenschaft aufzulösen. Schließlich bestand immer das Risiko, dass Reynard nachforschte. Die DNA-Ergebnisse von Lai-Singh drohten, die Leere des CTIA- und des Carlo-Plans aufzudecken.
Lai und Singh wurden auch von George Carlo und denjenigen, die sein CTIA-Forschungsprogramm leiten, herum geschubst. Am Ende wurde ihre Frustration über Carlo so groß, dass sie eine Geschichte über das schrieben, was sie "eine sehr seltsame Erfahrung" und weniger höflich "eine Schande für das amerikanische Forschungsinstitut" nannten. Carlo drohte, sie wegen Verleumdung zu verklagen, ließ sie jedoch bald fallen der Fall.

Und ausgerechnet mit diesem Dr. Georg Carlo versucht Scheidsteger/Diagnose-Funk mit ihrem YouTube Film beim Laien zu Punkten. :no:

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Meine Meinungsäußerung

Comet-Assay, Carlo, USA, CTIA, Scheidsteger, Singh, War-Game, Wheeler, Henry Lai, Reynard, Hirntumorklage

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