Antwort von Magda (Allgemein)

charles ⌂ @, Freitag, 13.11.2009, 09:24 (vor 5441 Tagen) @ H. Lamarr

Wunder schaffen wir augenblicklich, Antworten von Übersee dauern etwas länger.

Meine Fragen lauteten:

we have some discussions about your study about the increased Heart-rate under DECT inluence.

1. What kind of machine is used for the real-time monitoring of the heart beat?
The graph in your publication is not sharp.

2. What is the meaning of the vertical axis: R-R Interval ??

3. Subject B: Starts with 68 bpm
Then the DECT starts, and the peaks go down. althouigh the value rises to 122. One would expect the peaks to rise, but they go down.

4. In the discussion it is stated that pulsfrequency = 1 / pulsdistance (like f = 1/T, time between 23 pulses or puls duration)
Pulse distance is in your diagram normalised at 1/60 (per 1 second one heart beat)
If in the diagram 0.5 (normalised pulsdistance) shown, is the pulsfrequency
1/(0.5 x 1/60) = 120
=> per 0.5 second one heart beat => pulsrate of 120

Is this correct?

Eben habe ich Antwort bekommen:


1. We used Nerve Express and a PC to monitor heart rate variability. Go to for more information.

2. The vertical axis is the time between heart beats, so the higher the line the slower the beat and the shorter the line the faster the beat (reverse to what you might expect).

3. Yes the time between beats goes down hence a faster heart rate.

4. Yes that is correct if I understand what you are saying. The line is set at 1 beat per second so anything under the line is faster than one beat per second and if it was at 0.5 it would be 120 bps.

Which HRV DECT document are you referring to?


p.s. We also saw a change in the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous system and found that some people didn't have enough energy to mount a response based on an orthostatic test.

Charles Claessens

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