Before you criticize, read first what the project is about... (Elektrosensibilität)

Dariusz Leszczynski, Donnerstag, 21.04.2022, 14:54 (vor 897 Tagen) @ KlaKla

Critical comments are written by someone who doesn't want to understand what the project is about but by the person who wants only to criticize and condemn. Kind of stupid because, reading what I wrote would explain what is the purpose of the project. It is not to diagnose EHS volunteers. It is to collect information that they have from their contact with physicians. I wrote in my blog as follows (

"numerous physicians have examined various physiological parameters in persons complaining of EMF sensitivity. Gathering together, in a single database, of all these physiological tests and parameters might help in determining the most efficient ways to test molecular targets of EMF responses in EMF sensitive and EMF non-sensitive persons. We need to gather in one place all of this dispersed knowledge.

This is why I called on physician-diagnosed EHS persons to contact me. I would like, with the help of the EHS persons and their physicians, to set up database of what is the “hidden” and “dispersed” knowledge about EHS."

So, read first, with willingness to understand, before you display your standard mumbojumbo about EHS. The project is about gathering information about how physicians tried, in practice, to diagnose EHS patients.

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