Leszczynski : Nicht die Masten sind das Problem..... (Allgemein)

Doris @, Donnerstag, 11.06.2009, 18:28 (vor 5595 Tagen) @ Doris

Nicht die Masten sind das Problem, wenn überhaupt, dann eher die Mobiltelefone und selbst da weiß man heute noch nichts Genaues....

14 unterschiedliche Kommentare gibt es zum 1. Beitrag von Leszczynski "From China with love", die er auch teilweise beantwortet.

So wird auch er in einem Beitrag von jemand, der die Sendemasten als Problem sieht, verantwortlich gemacht für das Leid der Menschen, die ihre Wohnungen aufgrund der aufgezwungenen Dauerbestrahlung verlassen müssen.

Beitrag vom 05.06.2009 von "Stuk is responsible"

Unten die Antwort von Leszczynski

Dear “Stuk is responsible”

I have indeed expressed the cited by you opinions (e.g. in scientific presentation in April 2009 in Hangzhou, China). However, these were opinions concerning mobile phone radiation, not the radiation emitted by the base stations.

For me, as an experimental scientist, it is very difficult to determine what could be the risks of such low level exposures as those coming form base stations. As I have said numerous times in the past, finding biological effects of mobile phone radiation at 2 W/kg (maximum permitted exposure level for mobile phones) is difficult. Biological effects observed in experiments are small because the radiation energy is very low.

Radiation reaching us from base stations is at least thousand times lower as compared with radiation we expose ourselves using mobile phone. I can not imagine that using such low level radiation in laboratory experiments or in short-term human volunteer study would show any biological effects. Therefore, as an experimental scientist I am not convinced that such extremely low exposures as these caused by base stations have biological significance. Of course I am aware of the argument that the exposures to base station radiation are 24/7. Examining such long exposures is not possible in laboratory, except for the animal studies. However, I have serious doubts whether animal study would be sufficiently informative and applicable to human situation.

There is also another issue to consider. If the numbers of base stations would be reduced then, simultaneously, our mobile phone handsets will begin to emit more radiation. It will be below the permitted 2 W/kg but it will be more than now because phones will adjust their energy emissions to reach more distantly located base stations. So, in practice, it might be so that by reducing the density of base stations the mobile phone users might be more exposed to mobile phone radiation.

Finally, as I have said numerous times in the past, I understand your concerns but addressing them is very problematic because of lack of scientific evidence of any measurable biological effect coming from base stations exposures.



[Admin: Namenskorrektur am 18.08.14]

Leszczynski, STUK

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