5G: Seriöse Literatur zu Exposition und Antennentechnik (Technik)

H. Lamarr @, München, Dienstag, 25.09.2018, 22:55 (vor 2330 Tagen)

Organisierte Mobilfunkgegner verbreiten noch vor dem Start von 5G technische Desinformation über die fünfte Generation der Mobilfunktechnik, um die Bevölkerung zu verunsichern. Um Fake-News glaubwürdig erscheinen zu lassen reicht oft ein Körnchen Wahrheit – der Rest findet sich im Netz oder wird erfunden. Seriöse Literatur gibt es reichlich, doch zumeist auf Englisch und auf wissenschaftlichem Niveau. Hier eine kleine Auswahl.

Recent Trend in Electromagnetic Radiation and Compliance Assessments for 5G Communication (2017)
The deployment of the 5G networks will feature high proliferation of radio base station (RBS) in order to meet the increasing demand for bandwidth and also to provide wider coverage that will support more mobile users and the internet-of-things (IoT). The radio frequency (RF) waves from the large-scale deployment of the RBS and mobile devices will raise concerns on the level of electromagnetic (EM) radiation exposure to the public. Hence, in this paper, we provide an overview of the exposure limits, discuss some of the effects of the EM emission, reduction techniques and compliance assessment for the 5G communication systems. We discuss the open issues and give future directions.

Assessment of compliance with RF EMF exposure limits: Approximate methods for radio base station products utilizing array antennas with beam-forming capabilities (2017)
The importance of antenna arrays with beam-forming capability is expected to increase in future mobile communication systems with the ongoing development of new radio access technologies involving higher frequency bands and massive MIMO concepts. In this paper, various approximate methods for radio frequency electromagnetic field compliance assessments of radio base station products utilizing these antenna arrays are investigated with the focus on front compliance distances. For electrically large arrays, the results show that accurate compliance boundary dimensions may be obtained using a field-combining procedure of assessment results for a centrally placed element. For smaller arrays, an overall improvement in accuracy is possible by complementing the center element solution with results for a handful of selected edge and corner elements to better characterize the array behavior. Compared with a general and straight-forward approach based on field combining of embedded assessment results for each element, the approximate methods allow for significant reductions of the total assessment time.

Time-Averaged Realistic Maximum Power Levels for the Assessment of Radio Frequency Exposure for 5G Radio Base Stations Using Massive MIMO (2017)
In this paper, a model for time-averaged realistic maximum power levels for the assessment of radio frequency (RF) electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure for the fifth generation (5G) radio base stations (RBS) employing massive MIMO is presented. The model is based on a statistical approach and developed to provide a realistic conservative RF exposure assessment for a significant proportion of all possible downlink exposure scenarios (95th percentile) in-line with requirements in a recently developed International Electrotechnical Commission standard for RF EMF exposure assessments of RBS. Factors, such as RBS utilization, time-division duplex, scheduling time, and spatial distribution of users within a cell are considered. The model is presented in terms of a closed-form equation. For an example scenario corresponding to an expected 5G RBS product, the largest realistic maximum power level was found to be less than 15% of the corresponding theoretical maximum. For far-field exposure scenarios, this corresponds to a reduction in RF EMF limit compliance distance with a factor of about 2.6. Results are given for antenna arrays of different sizes and for scenarios with beamforming in both azimuth and elevation.

So funktionieren die neuen Mobilfunkantennen für 5G
Die Telekom rüstet sich für das kommende 5G. Dazu montiert sie neue Antennen, die sieben Frequenzbänder auf einmal abdecken. Hier der Hintergrund.

Wissenswertes zu 5G
Die Entwicklung im Mobilfunk schreitet rasch voran: Während die Netzbetreiber in Deutschland zuletzt deutlich in den Ausbau der LTE-Mobilfunknetze, der sogenannten vierten Generation, investiert haben, wird parallel die Nachfolgetechnik entwickelt. Erste Tests der fünften Mobilfunkgeneration, kurz 5G, finden derzeit statt. Ein erster, weltweit einheitlicher Standard wurde im Dezember 2017 verabschiedet, der Termin für die Versteigerung der 5G-Frequenzen in Deutschland ist für Anfang 2019 vorgesehen.

Demystifying 5G video series
Follow the Rohde & Schwarz "Demystifying 5G" video series to gain insights into the latest 5G specifications described in 3GPP Releases 15 and 16, main 5G topics discussed in the industry and how to solve upcoming test challenges.

Jedes komplexe Problem hat eine Lösung, die einfach, naheliegend, plausibel – und falsch ist.
– Frei nach Henry Louis Mencken (1880–1956) –


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