Dr. Carlo und seine Fragen an Handyopfer (Allgemein)

H. Lamarr @, München, Montag, 24.12.2007, 13:02 (vor 6149 Tagen)

Die "berühmte" Datenbank von Dr. George Carlo mit den Daten von angeblich Millionen Mobilfunkopfern ist inzwischen vom Netz und über das reguläre Internet nicht mehr erreichbar. Wir konnten jedoch noch die Fragebögen ausfindig machen, mit denen Carlo in der Zeit von 2001 bis 2006 die Datenerhebung via Internet getrennt nach Opfern von Handys und Basisstationen bewerkstelligen wollte. Damit diese Fragebögen der Nachwelt erhalten bleiben, geben wir sie nachfolgend im Wortlaut 1:1 wieder, lediglich die Formatierung ist geringfügig geändert, da das Original eine HTML-Seite war. Hier zunächst also der Fragebogen für die, die sich durch Handys geschädigt sahen.

Mobile Phones Health Concerns Survey


To print a copy, please use either the print button on your browser, or the keyboard print command (visualem CTRL+P or Apple+P).

1. Have you ever experienced any symptoms that you feel are related to your cell phone use? Yes/No
a. If yes, what is/was your most troubling symptom?
b. Have your daily activities been affected? Yes/No
c. Why do you feel these symptoms are associated with your cell phone use?
d. Have you sought medical attention for these symptoms? Yes/No
__d1. If yes, have you received a diagnosis? Yes/No
__d2. If yes, please specify
e. If yes, have you been hospitalized because of this? Yes/No
f. Are you currently experiencing this symptom? Yes/No

2. Are you currently a cell phone user? Yes/No
a. If no, what were your reasons for stopping? Check all that apply:
a1. Lack of use
a2. Cost
a3. Health concerns
a4. Other specified

3. What type of cell phone did you use when you had your symptoms?
a. Analog
b. Digital
c. PCS
d. Dual mode (both analog and digital)
e. Don't know

4. What brand of cell phone did you use when you had your symptoms?
a. Nokia
b. Motorola
c. Bell Atlantic
d. Qualcomm
e. Ericsson
f. Other specified
g. Don't know

5. How long have or did you use this phone that you believed caused your symptoms?
a. Less than 1 year.
b. 1 to 3 years.
c. 4 to 6 years.
d. More than 6 years.

6. On average how many minutes do you or did you use your phone each month that you believed caused your symptoms?
a. Very infrequently (emergency use or less than 30 minutes per month)
b. 30 to 120 minutes per month
c. 121 to 500 minutes per month
d. 501 to 1000 minutes per month
e. Greater than 1000 minutes per month

7. What year did you begin using the phone that you believed caused your symptoms?

8. Gender M/F

9. Age

10. Zip Code

11. State of residence

12. Country of Residence

13. May we contact you if further information is necessary? Yes/No

Daytime Phone number:

Evening Phone number:
Email address:

14. How would you prefer we contact you?

15. How did you learn about us?
a. Newspaper
b. Radio/TV
c. Internet
d. Friend/Relative
e. Health Care Provider
f. Other

16. Do you have any other concerns regarding your cell phone use?

Thank you for taking the time to share this valuable information with us.
If you have any questions or comments about this surveillance questionnaire
you can reach us at 866-372-4362.

Science and Public Policy Institute
Health Effects Survey Project
2405 26th Road South
Arlington, VA 22206
Fax: 703-521-5214

Jedes komplexe Problem hat eine Lösung, die einfach, naheliegend, plausibel – und falsch ist.
– Frei nach Henry Louis Mencken (1880–1956) –


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