Excellent IZgMF soll Pokerspieler vermitteln (Allgemein)

H. Lamarr @, München, Dienstag, 21.07.2015, 11:32 (vor 3513 Tagen) @ H. Lamarr

Ein Advertorial ist Werbung, verpackt in einem redaktionellen Beitrag. Ist dies nicht deutlich gekennzeichnet, handelt es sich um eine Täuschung der Leser, um Schleichwerbung. Ein konkretes Beispiel dieser Seuche habe ich hier vorgestellt gehabt. Auch das IZgMF wird regelmäßig angeschrieben, ob wir gegen Honorar bereit wären Advertorials zu schreiben und auf unserer Website zu veröffentlichen.

Auch in den USA ist man auf das IZgMF aufmerksam geworden. Am 12. Juli 2015 erreichte uns folgende Anfrage:

Hi team at izgmf. de

How are you?

I came across your excellent site: http://izgmf.de

I am inquiring how much an article post would cost to be placed on your site.

Getting a quality piece of content on your site is the goal and the topic of the article will 100% fit the nature of your site and audience. In the article there will be a link in the main content of the article that will be linking to a leading poker/gaming brand. We will make sure that the article blends in well with the site, so having the article on the site will be of value to your readers.

In terms of the content, we would supply unique and quality content (written in German) by our professional content writers who will make sure that the content blends and fits in naturally with your site and audience.
Payment is made via Paypal, once the article is live.

(Do you have access or operate any other sites for such article placements, if so please send a list of sites through (that are getting traffic) with prices for permanent article placements as we have lots of business and a good budget at the moment for article placements)

If this is of interest to you, please send me your best rate for an article placement on the site and will get back to you shortly with an answer if any of the clients would like to proceed based on the price.

Thanks and look forward to hearing from you


Marketing-Content Manager

Jedes komplexe Problem hat eine Lösung, die einfach, naheliegend, plausibel – und falsch ist.
– Frei nach Henry Louis Mencken (1880–1956) –

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