Alzheimerrisiko und die EMF Diskussion (Allgemein)

Doris @, Dienstag, 18.11.2008, 11:47 (vor 5939 Tagen) @ Doris

An der Studie war auch Martin Röösli beteiligt.

It's not just childhood leukemia anymore. Alzheimer's Disease is poised to take center stage in the long-simmering EMF-health controversy.

A couple of weeks ago, a group led by Martin Röösli at Switzerland's University of Bern reported that people living within 50 meters of a high-voltage power line were more likely to die with Alzheimer's. The longer they lived near a 220-380 kV power line, the greater the risk: After 15 years, the odds of dying with Alzheimer's were double the expected rate. It is this striking dose-response —with the risk increasing over time— that makes the Swiss study compelling. Röösli told Microwave News that he himself found the consistency of this increase "surprising."

hier gibt's von microwavenews eine 2-seitige pdf zu dem erhöhten Alzeimerrisiko in der Nähe von Hochspannungsleitungen

Der in der pdf erwähnte Zoreh Davanipour veröffentlichte letztes Jahr schon die Ergebnisse einer Fallkontroll-Studie (Full-text) zum erhöhten Alzheimerrisiko bei berufsbedingter Magnetfeldbelastung.

Quelle: Microwavenews vom 17.11.2008

, Alzheimer, Röösli

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