FCC changes cellphone safety guidance (Allgemein)
Schlechte Nachrichten für Mobilfunkgegner, die US-Behörde FCC (in etwa vergleichbar zur BNetzA) verzichtet seit kurzem auf die traditionelle Empfehlung, Handys mit geringem SAR-Wert zu bevorzugen. Die Argumentation der FCC dazu könnte von Dr. Uwe Kullnik stammen (Siemens/Bitkom), der schon seit jeher der Auffassung ist: Alle zugelassenen Handys sind sicher, egal, welchen SAR-Wert sie bewirken.
FCC changes cellphone safety guidance
The Federal Communications Commission has changed its guidance to cellphone users worried about the health effects of wireless devices, dropping a long-standing recommendation that concerned consumers purchase phones with lower levels of radiation emissions.
The revisions were made last week, without any formal announcement, to a consumer fact sheet posted on the FCC's Web site.
In its revised guidance, the FCC said that data on a phone's radiation emissions is not a useful gauge of the risk posed by any device. The updated language omitted a previous suggestion that users buy phones with lower specific absorption rates, a measure of the rate of radio-frequency energy absorbed by the human body. The FCC now says that any phone approved by the FCC has passed its absorption tests and is safe.