Wie sich vorgefasste Meinungen festigen (Allgemein)

Dr. Ratto, Montag, 01.12.2014, 12:32 (vor 3751 Tagen) @ Lilith

"Warnungen wirken - im negativen Sinne, sie können echte Leiden wecken oder vorhandene Beschwerden mit einer Scheinerklärung verknüpfen.

Lieder kommt es noch schlimmer: Sind Menschen bereits besorgt und erhalten eine Entwarnung, machen sie sich noch mehr sorgen:

In interviews with 240 participants in Switzerland, Uwe Hartung, Peter Schultz and Simone Keller asked participants if, after reading an article minimizing the health risks of electromagnetic radiation from mobile phone towers, they were more worried or more reassured about the risks. The researchers thought that readers already very worried about the dangers of radiation emitted by cell phone towers would assess the risk as higher after reading a message arguing the opposite.

According to their results, they had thought right. The more worried a participant was before reading the message – a message intended to assuage worries about mobile phone tower risks – the less likely it was that his or her worries decreased after reading. In fact, worried people become more worried after reading the article about negligible risks of mobile phone towers. mehr...

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