Tabakforschung im Würgegriff der Industrie (Medien)

dlsasv @, Samstag, 03.12.2005, 18:56 (vor 7055 Tagen) @ hertzklopfer,1518,388238,00.html
So sieht die Entsprechung dann im Bersich Mobilfunk aus:

"Forschungsrat Rauchen und Gesundheit" ---> "Forschungsgemeinschaft Funk" ????

"So fand Grüning in den Unterlagen folgenden Vorgang: Franz Prof. A., der Organisator der deutschen Tabakforschung, habe seinen Kollegen in den USA versichert, dass eine Studie über Nikotin als Krebsverursacher "verheimlicht", eine andere Studie "garantiert nicht veröffentlicht" würde."

Die originale Zusammenfassung:

"Abstract: Using tobacco industry documents, we examined how and why the tobacco industry sought to influence science and scientists in Germany as a possible factor in explaining the German opposition to stricter tobacco regulation. Smoking and health research programs were organized both separately by individual tobacco companies and jointly through their German trade organization. An extensive network of scientists and scientific institutions with tobacco industry links was developed. Science was distorted in 5 ways: suppression, dilution, distraction, concealment, and manipulation. The extent of tobacco industry influence over the scientific establishment in Germany is profound. The industry introduced serious bias that probably influenced scientific and public opinion in Germany. This influence likely undermined efforts to control tobacco use."

Krebs, Forschung, Lobbyarbeit, Spiegel, Tabakindustrie, Verum, Passivrauchen, Ex-Tabaklobbyist, USA, Lobby, Tobacco, Lobbyist, Grüning, Zigarretten

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