Örjan Hallberg: Krebsrate korreliert mit UKW-Senderdichte (Allgemein)
Örjan Hallberg, Schweden, hat nach langer Pause wieder einmal in Richtung EMF geforscht und – wen wundert's – Beunruhigendes entdeckt: In 23 Ländern Europas gibt es einen signifikanten Zusammenhang zwischen der Krebsinzidenz eines Landes und dessen UKW-Senderdichte. Von einem Kausalzusammenhang spricht Hallberg, der seine "Studie" selbst finanzierte, nicht. Gut möglich: Der noch unerforschte signifikante Zusammenhang zwischen Krebsinzidenz und Filialdichte von Lebensmitteldiscountern ist nicht weniger aufregend.
Background: In 2002, a strong association was highlighted between local melanoma incidence and the number of locally covering main Frequency Modulation (FM) transmitters in Sweden. This study investigated whether an association also exists between melanoma incidence and the average density of main FM transmitters in different European countries.
Methods: Twenty-three different European countries were asked to disclose the number of main transmitters used for the FM broadcasting band (87·5–108 MHz) in the respective country. Incidences of melanoma, breast cancer and all cancers together per country were correlated with their respective average density of transmitters per 10,000 km².
Findings: Both melanoma and breast cancer, as well as all cancers together, appear to be significantly associated with the density of main FM broadcasting transmitters in the European countries examined.
Interpretation: The findings present strong support to the earlier presented hypothesis that body-resonant broadcasting radiation emitted by horizontally polarized main FM transmitters has an immune-disturbing effect.
Funding: This study was financed by internal funds within Hallberg Independent Research only.
Örjan Hallberg im IZgMF-Forum
Jedes komplexe Problem hat eine Lösung, die einfach, naheliegend, plausibel – und falsch ist.
– Frei nach Henry Louis Mencken (1880–1956) –