Belo Horizonte – WHO stuft Dode et al. als wertlos ein (Allgemein)
Die WHO hat in dem Ende 2014 veröffentlichten Entwurf ihrer neuen Studienbewertung zu elektromagnetischen Feldern auch die Arbeit von Adilza Dode analysiert und misst dieser Studie keinen oder bestenfalls geringen Einfluss auf die Gesamtbewertung bei. Hier die (vorläufige) Bewertung der Belo-Horizonte-Studie durch die WHO im Original-Wortlaut:
An ecological study in Minas Gerais state, Brazil, investigated the spatial correlation between mortality from cancer 1996-2006 and geographical concentration of mobile phone transmitter antennae (Dode et al., 2011). Information on deaths from the City Health Department, geographical location of base stations from the Brazilian Telecommunications Agency, and city census from the Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics were geocoded according to 'census tracts' geographical zones. There were 7191 registered cancer deaths at all ages and of types previously investigated with non-ionising radiation during the study period. Residential address for cases of eligible cancer deaths were plotted against distance from the first transmitter that the resident was possibly exposed. Mortality rates were derived within each radius of 100 meters (0-1000 m), using the number of deaths divided by the estimated population in that radius. Mortality rate ratios were 1.35 within 100 meters, 1.08 within 500 meters, and declined with distance although no statistical test was applied to assess statistical significance for a trend. No results were presented for cancer type-specific mortality rates. Measured power density varied from 0.04 μW/cm² to 40.78 μW/cm².
[While this study has the advantage that it was conducted in a large area with a large numbers of transmitters, its ecological design and lack of data on contributory factors still present difficulties in interpreting its results. A particular problem was the assessment of the size of the population in each of the 100 m bands. As base stations are positioned in densely population areas, it seems likely that the number of residents in close proximity to the transmitters have been underestimated and those further away have been overestimated, which could have resulted in spurious raised risks in the bands close to the transmitters. Calculations did not take into account differences in distribution of age and sex, and other relevant factors such as socioeconomic status. Most deaths occurred within 1 to 2 years of installation of the primary base stations; such a short induction period seems aetiologically unlikely. The study is not included in the table, and is given little or no weight in the overall assessment.]
Kommentar: Wie verantwortungslose Mobilfunkgegner trotz allem die Belo-Horizonte-Studie auch noch 2016 für ihre Zwecke einspannen, zeigt der bald 80-jährige Ex-Elektriker Hans-U. Jakob in einem dilettantischen Beitrag über angeblich dramatische Zuwachszahlen bei den Krebs-Neuerkrankungen in der Schweiz.
Jedes komplexe Problem hat eine Lösung, die einfach, naheliegend, plausibel – und falsch ist.
– Frei nach Henry Louis Mencken (1880–1956) –
gesamter Thread:
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