Alexander Lerchl @, Sonntag, 19.05.2013, 14:21 (vor 4176 Tagen) @ KlaKla

Forschungseinrichtungen und Fachgesellschaften zogen die Konsequenzen aus der Beeinflussung der Tabakindustrie. Mit ethischen Prinzipien ist eine Kooperation nicht vereinbar.

[Hinweis Moderator: Chronologie Reflex]


Principle 1: There is a fundamental and irreconcilable conflict between
the tobacco industry’s interests and public health policy interests.


Principle 2: Parties, when dealing with the tobacco industry or those
working to further its interests, should be accountable and transparent.


(4) Avoid conflicts of interest for government officials and employees.

The involvement of organizations or individuals with commercial or vested
interests in the tobacco industry in public health policies with respect to
tobacco control is most likely to have a negative effect. Clear rules regarding
conflicts of interest for government officials and employees working in tobacco
control are important means for protecting such policies from interference by
the tobacco industry.

Payments, gifts and services, monetary or in-kind, and research funding offered by the tobacco industry to government institutions, officials or employees can create conflicts of interest. Conflicting interests are created even if a promise of favourable consideration is not given in exchange, as the potential exists for personal interest to influence official responsibilities asrecognized in the International Code of Conduct for Public Officials adopted by the United Nations General Assembly and by several governmental and regional economic integration organizations.

Diese Dokument der WHO gilt seit 2005 und ist auch für die Europäische Kommission bindend. Das bedeutet: die angeblich von den Gutachtern bereits positiv bewertete REFLEX-Nachfolge mit dem Namen MOPHORAD wäre gar nicht möglich gewesen, wenn die Stiftung Verum nicht offengelegt hätte, dass sie eine 100% Tochter der Tabakindustrie war. Wenn sie das aber gemacht hätte, wäre sie wohl kaum gefördert worden ...

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