IARC: Sargnägel für die Mobilfunkdebatte (Allgemein)

H. Lamarr @, München, Dienstag, 31.05.2011, 22:43 (vor 4896 Tagen) @ Capricorn

P.S.: Nichts mehr gehört von Favre?

Nein, keinen Mucks. Habe soeben den Spam-Ordner durchsucht, auch dort nichts. Die Anfrage ging am 26. Mai an ihn raus, das ist erst fünf Tage her, da gebe ich die Hoffung noch nicht auf. Vielleicht war auch nur mein Englisch zu mies:

Dear Mr. Favre!

I'm Stephan from Munich, I intend to replicate your bee study published in Apidologie (http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s13592-011-0016-x). I'm neither in any connection to the mobile phone industry nor to the citizen organisations on the other side of the table. My only interest ist the truth.

First of all I ask you for your attendance to support me in case of clearing details in principle. For example it would very useful for me to get a sound sample of a swelling "worker piping" (eg .mp3 or .wav) in order to know on what noise I have to mind my attention.

And perhaps we can communicate in German, it's much more easier for me.

Background: I'm a communications engineer. In 2002 we got a cell-phone tower some meters away from our flat. Since that time my wife and myself are active members in the german speaking cell-phone discussion, first as detractor later as sceptic. Our website is www.izgmf.de, your study is discussed controversial in our forum at http://www.izgmf.de/scripts/forum/index.php?mode=thread&id=45683

To set controlled exposition conditions I intend to stimulate a GSM900 cell phone with an communications test set to a defined (strong) constant power level. The phone is prepared for connection of an external antenna, so the RF signal of the phone only is to feed in the hive. This excludes hidden confounding by a possible magnetic ELF influence of the cell phone.

It would be great, if you could support my replication attempt.

Best regards,


Jedes komplexe Problem hat eine Lösung, die einfach, naheliegend, plausibel – und falsch ist.
– Frei nach Henry Louis Mencken (1880–1956) –

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