Bioresonanz Effekte (Esoterik)

Kuddel, Mittwoch, 11.11.2009, 21:32 (vor 5463 Tagen) @ charles

Naja, wer's glauben mag...

Was halten Sie von folgenden Aussagen der Studie :

Given the advantageous safety profile of athermal, non-ionizing radiofrequency electromagnetic fields[7] ....

No patients receiving experimental therapy reported any side effect of significance and no patient discontinued treatment because of adverse effects.

We did not observe any untoward reaction in patient receiving either chemotherapy or targeted therapy in combination with amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields.

Kirson et al have recently reported the use of continuous wave (CW) electric fields between 100 KHz to 1 MHz [10,11]. These fields were CW, applied at relative high field strengths but lower frequencies than the fields used in our study.

Computer simulation studies have shown that the specific absorption rate (SAR) in the head resulting from the use of intrabuccally-administered amplitude-modulated electromagnetic fields is in the range of 0.1–100 mW/kg

Die von Ihnen verehrten "Studien"-Autoren sehen also keinerlei Gefahr, ja nicht einmal eine relevante Nebenwirkung bei der Anwendung von amplitudenmodulierten Feldern mit SAR-Werten zwischen 0,1.. 100mW/kg.
Nur positive Effekte.

Ist doch sehr interessant, oder ?

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