SAR-Studie: Volltext (Allgemein)

Doris @, Sonntag, 23.06.2013, 15:21 (vor 4121 Tagen) @ H. Lamarr

Hier ein Auszug aus dem Abschnitt "The non-linearity between electromagnetic exposure
and biological effect"

Recently an intensity window on the biological effects of mobile telephony radiation was discovered where the effect on DNA damage was more intense around the value of 10 m W/cm 2 in terms of the microwave - carrier - radiation intensity, than for intensities larger than 250 mW/cm². More specifically, the borders of this "window" were found to be located between 8 and 28 mW/cm² [18,72].
In such a case of non-linearity, the inaccuracy between cause and predicted effect can be large. We should not make it even larger by using a dosimetric quantity that is further inaccurately estimated such as the SAR. Instead, we should at least use a measure that can be known more precisely.
Such a more precise quantity is the radiation/field intensity on the surface of the biological object as measured by any qualified and calibrated radiation/field meter (plus the additional physical parameters of the field/radiation which can also be accurately known, such as pulse and/or carrier frequency, waveform, modulation etc).

Okay, also das ist dann doch nicht an Frau W. gerichtet, sondern an die Bioelektromagnetiker. Ich bin gespannt, ob diese die Arbeit zur Kenntnis nehmen werden und etwas zu erwidern wissen.

Dieser beschriebene "Fenstereffekt" stützt sich auf 2 Arbeiten von Panagopoulus aus dem Jahre 2010
(1) und (2)

Beide Arbeiten wurden - neben allen anderen "Fruchtfliegen" Arbeiten der griechischen Arbeitsgruppe um Panagopoulus - in Lyon (IARC) mit überprüft.

Unter dem Kapitel "Other Relevant Data" findet man auf Seite 293

In a series of studies from Greece, adverse effects were reported on the reproduction of D. melanogaster after exposure to RF radiation at non-thermal mobile-phone frequencies (900 or 1800 MHz). In these experiments commercially available mobile phones were used as exposure devices. The exposures were conducted with the mobile-phone antenna outside the glass vials containing the flies, either in contact with or at a certain distance from the glass wall. The daily duration of exposure varied from 1 to 20 minutes, depending on the experiment. Exposure always started on the day of eclosion and lasted for a total of 5 or 6 days. The temperature within the vials during exposure was monitored with a mercury thermometer with an accuracy of 0.05  °C. The authors explained the decreased reproductive ability as the result of RF radiation-induced DNA fragmentation in the gonads (Panagopoulos, 2011; Panagopoulos & Margaritis, 2008, 2010a, b; Panagopoulos et al., 2004, 2007, 2010).

[In reviewing these studies with Drosophila, the Working Group* noted several shortcomings related to the methods of exposure assessment and temperature control, which could have influenced the results.]

* gemeint ist hier die IARC Working group

Also, --> nichts Aktuelles, wohl eher nichts Aufregendes und von daher tippe ich darauf, dass sich da niemand der Sache annehmen wird.

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