IARC: Korrektur des Conflict of Interest von Niels Kuster (Berichtigungen)

Alexander Lerchl @, Donnerstag, 25.06.2015, 07:17 (vor 3386 Tagen)

Heute Nacht erschien im "Lancet Oncology" eine interessante Korrektur eines Conflict-of-Interest Statements für Niels Kuster, Zürich, der an den Beratungen zur 2B-Einstufung von EMF beteiligt war.

Erschienen am 25. Juni 2015: Baan R, Grosse Y, Lauby-Secretan B, et al, on behalf of the WHO International Agency for Research on Cancer Monograph Working Group. Carcinogenicity of radiofrequency electromagnetic fields. Lancet Oncol 2011; 12: 624–26—The conflict of interest statement for N Kuster should read: “NK is director and board member of the non-profit IT'IS foundation that performs research in the field of exposure assessments for academia, governments, and industry. IT'IS has received funding for specific projects from most mobile phone manufacturers and many service providers, including the Mobile Manufacturers Forum, Motorola, Ericsson, Nokia, Samsung, Sony, GSM Association, ARIB Japan, Swisscom, Deutsche Telekom, and TDC Sunrise. NK is president of the board and shareholder of NF Technology Holding AG, which controls two companies, Schmid & Partner Engineering AG and ZMT Zurich Medtech AG, that develop near-field measurement instruments, simulation software, and medical test equipment.” This correction has been made to the online version as of June 25, 2015. (Hervorhebungen von Unterschieden von mir).

Alte Version (22. Juni 2011): NK is director and board member of the non-profit IT’IS foundation that performs exposure assessments for industry and governments, and is president of the board and shareholder of Near-Field Technology AG, which controls two companies that develop near-field measurement instruments, simulation software, and medical test equipment.

Interessant, dass 4 Jahre nach der Veröffentlichung eine solche Korrektur notwendig ist. Es scheint, dass diese Diskussionen und Konflikte eine ziemlich lange Halbwertzeit haben ...

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"Ein Esoteriker kann in fünf Minuten mehr Unsinn behaupten, als ein Wissenschaftler in seinem ganzen Leben widerlegen kann." Vince Ebert

IARC, Korrektur, Interessenkonflikt, Finanzierung, Klassifizierung, Kuster, 2B, Industrie, Research, IT'IS Foundation

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