Handy + Kinder: Aber die Hirntumorrate steigt doch! (Allgemein)

Doris @, Donnerstag, 28.07.2011, 14:59 (vor 4814 Tagen) @ H. Lamarr
bearbeitet von Doris, Donnerstag, 28.07.2011, 16:07

Nein, denn zum großen Bedauern der Schweizer Angstmacher gibt es eine ganz harmlose Erklärung: Der Zuwachs beruht auf zu diesem Zeitpunkt einsetzenden besseren Diagnoseverfahren, damals machten die medizinische Bildanalyse und die Computertomografie große Fortschritte - so jedenfalls die Autoren des Editorials im Text zum Bild.

Der Bericht bei microwavenews (den ich zum Zeitpunkt, als ich ihn eingestellt habe, noch nicht gelesen habe) liefert Informationen,in einer Form, wie wir sie hier im deutschsprachigen Raum von den Elektrosmoggegnern nicht bekommen. Slesin ist, obwohl auch er immer wieder mal zu Überinterpretationen neigt - doch bemüht neutral zu berichten.

So schreibt Slesin

Röösli readily concedes that it's difficult to interpret the study findings. "I struggled when I saw the results," he said. "We talked a lot about it within the CEFALO study group, and we asked whether it's an indication of an association or a systematic problem, or is it just chance?" In the end, Röösli became convinced that it was unlikely that the elevated odds ratios are indicative of a real risk. "There is something going on, but honestly I think it's a systematic error or chance," he said. What Röösli finds most convincing is the fact that the overall incidence of brain tumors has not been spiking up. "Plausibility is very important in epidemiology," he said. "We must ask whether the results are plausible given what is going on in the world. We may not be able to prove that the data are wrong but we can show from the incidence data that, if such a risk were true, the rates would have increased. So something must be wrong."

Röösli and Tarone say that at least one clear lesson has been learned from CEAFALO and Interphone: There is no point doing any more retrospective case-control studies. "If I knew five years ago what I know now, I would not have started this study," Röösli said. "Prospective studies would make more sense."

"In my opinion, the peculiar patterns of results of both [CEFALO and Interphone] provide support to a growing consensus that the possible association between brain cancer and cell phone use cannot be reliably studied using case-control studies," said Tarone. He added that the CEFALO results are "reassuring" but that "continued vigilance is necessary."

Und deshalb auch hier der Ruf nach weiterer Forschung, die m.E. durch die CEFALO Studie begründet und gerechtfertigt ist. Denn zu beobachten ist in jüngster Zeit, dass die Wissenschaftler sich untereinander attackieren eben wegen dem Ruf nach weiterer Forschung.

Röösli, Cefalo-Studie

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