Dr. Sam Milham tadelt Dr. Carlo (Allgemein)

H. Lamarr @, München, Donnerstag, 03.07.2008, 19:48 (vor 6108 Tagen) @ Doris

Im hese-Forum werden immer wieder neue Verknüpfungen von Dr. Carlo zu irgendwelchen dubiosen Firmen aufgezeigt.

Und fachlich scheint es mit Dr. Carlo auch nicht gerade zum besten bestellt zu sein, wenn ich mir diesen Tadel hier so ansehe, den sogar eine Fanatikerseite wie UMTSNO gebracht hat. Dieser Sam Milham ist ein Arzt wie ich ihn bei uns noch nicht erlebt habe, unsere himmeln Carlo nur an oder schweigen zu seinen Eskapaden.

Be carefull not to believe everything Dr. Carlo tell

15 Apr 2008
from SArjuna@aol.com

Where Carlo is off base re EMF/EMR

Dr. George Carlo is getting a lot of press these days, writing about the health effects of manmade electromagnetic radiation. Unfortunately, he makes some inaccurate statements, as Dr. Samuel Milham observes, below. Dr. Milham's remarks are followed by excerpts from the Common Ground Magazine article.

Some of Dr. Carlo's conjectures about ELF exposures in the April 8th issue of Common Ground Magazine - are way off base.

1. There is no evidence that disruption of gap-junction communication between cells is the major mechanism of ELF bioeffects.

2.The magnetic fields in nature are static fields, from the earth's iron core, and some terrestrial magnetism from rocks (lodestones). Frictional static fields, are also "natural" as are the Schumann resonances, visible light, Infra red and ultraviolet frquencies and lightning.

All the rest of our ELF exposures are man-made and alternating at various frequencies. There is no such thing as a "natural" alternating current or field. 3 There is no good evidence for a magnetic field threshold. Weak ELFs slow the heart, change the EEG and change reaction time.

4. sunlight is not ionizing

5. The heart beats at one Hertz, not two. At two cycles per second, your pulse would be 120, which is decidedly abnormal for humans.

6. No threshold has ever been demonstrated for ionizing radiation.

7.Your body can recognize a "raw" low power microwave signal. That's why the Interphone studies are showing ipsilateral tumorigenisis and why long term cell phone users are already showing a glioma increase.

Respectfully, Sam Miham MD

Jedes komplexe Problem hat eine Lösung, die einfach, naheliegend, plausibel – und falsch ist.
– Frei nach Henry Louis Mencken (1880–1956) –

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