Einschub vom Baubiologen, meine Quellen (Allgemein)

charles ⌂ @, Montag, 08.02.2010, 11:00 (vor 5475 Tagen)

Dieses Posting wurde dem Thread "Neues von und zu Dr. Mutter" hier abgetrennt.

Der Dr. Mutter hätte nach meine HP verweisen können.
Dort steht noch ein (ältere) Liste:
(Und ich nehme an dass Doris eine noch längere und rezente hat.)

From Alfonso Balmori:

Very probably, like you say, the bisphenol-A is acting in the deterioration of the quality of the sperm in human for several decades. However the more abrupt deterioration of the quality of the sperm has taken place in the last years: In Spain more than a third (36%) of the procedures of artificial fecundation is for masculine cause , of low seminal quality. The percentage went up five points among the years 2003 and 2004, the last of that the Spanish Society of Fertility (SEF) has figures. It seems that this is related (Besides the bisphenol) also with an intensive use of the mobiles (Much higher in the last years).

See the main studies in this respect:

MOBILE PHONES AND MALE FERTILITY: Scientific papers 2002-2007

Alfonso Balmori, Biologist. Spain

1 DAVOUDI M, BROSSNER C, KUBER W. 2002. Der Einflu elektromagnetischer Wellen auf die Spermienmotilitt. J. Urol. Urogynkol, 9 (3): 18?22.

"Our data suggest a decreased motility of rapid progressive spermatozoa caused by electromagnetic waves of GSM- mobile phones. These findings may have an impact in counselling subfertile men."

2. R. J. AITKEN, L. E. BENNETTS, D. SAWYER, A. M. WIKLENDT and B. V. KING. 2005. Impact of radio frequency electromagnetic radiation on DNA integrity in the male germline. International Journal of Andrology, 28(3):171-9

"This study suggests that while RFEMR does not have a dramatic impact on male germ cell development, a significant genotoxic effect on epididymal spermatozoa is evident and deserves further investigation"

3. FEJES I, ZA VACZKI Z, KOLOSZA R S, DARU J, KOVA CS L, PA L A. 2005. Is there a relationship between cell phone use and semen quality? Arch Androl., 51(5):385-93.

"The prolonged use of cell phones may have negative effects on the sperm motility characteristics."

4. STEFANIS P, DRAKELEY A, GAZVANI R, LEWIS-JONES DI. 2006. Growing concern over the safety of using mobile phones and male fertility. Arch Androl., 52 (1):9-14.

"There are many animal studies that show that electromagnetic waves have a wide range of damaging effects on the male reproductive system and sperm parameters."

5. EROGUL O, OZTAS E, YILDIRIM I, KIR T, AYDUR E, KOMESLI G, IRKILATA HC, IRMAK MK, PEKER AF. 2006. Effects of electromagnetic radiation from a cellular phone on human sperm motility: an in vitro study. Arch Med Res. 2006, 37(7):840-3.

"These data suggest that EMR emitted by cellular phone influences human sperm motility. In addition to these acute adverse effects of EMR on sperm motility, long-term EMR exposure may lead to behavioral or structural changes of the male germ cell."

6. AGARWAL A, DEEPINDER F, SHARMA RK, RANGA G, LI J. 2007. Effect of cell phone usage on semen analysis in men attending infertility clinic: an observational study. Fertil Steril. 2007 May 3

"Use of cell phones decrease the semen quality in men by decreasing the sperm count, motility, viability, and normal morphology. The decrease in sperm parameters was dependent on the duration of daily exposure to cell phones and independent of the initial semen quality."

7. WDOWIAK A, WDOWIAK L, WIKTOR H. 2007. Evaluation of the effect of using mobile phones on male fertility. Ann Agric Environ Med., 14(1):169-72.

"In the analysis of the effect of GSM equipment on the semen it was noted that an increase in the percentage of sperm cells of abnormal morphology is associated with the duration of exposure to the waves emitted by the GSM phone. It was also confirmed that a decrease in the percentage of sperm cells in vital progressing motility in the semen is correlated with the frequency of using mobile phones."

8. YAN JG, AGRESTI M, BRUCE T, YAN YH, GRANLUND A, MATLOUB HS. 2007. Effects of cellular phone emissions on sperm motility in rats. Fertil Steril., 88(4):957-64.

"These results suggest that carrying cell phones near reproductive organs could negatively affect male fertility."

9. DEEPINDER F, MAKKER K, AGARWAL A. 2007. Cell phones and male infertility: dissecting the relationship. Reprod Biomed Online., 15(3):266-70.

"Although previous studies suggested a role of cell phone use in male infertility, the mode of action of EMW emitted from cell phones on the male reproductive system is still unclear"

10. Prof. Aitken. 2008. Sehe Pressebericht Mobile phone radiation fries sperm

Und hier eine Studie wobei ein Zusammenhang gezeigt wird zwischen ein Foetus und die Strahlung von ein Handy.


OBJECTIVE: To study fetal and neonatal heart rate (HR) and cardiac output (COP), following acute maternal exposure to electromagnetic fields (EMF) emitted by mobile phones. METHODS: The present study was carried out at Benha University Hospital and El-Shorouq Hospital, Cairo, Egypt, from October 2003 to March 2004. Ninety women with uncomplicated pregnancies aged 18-33 years, and 30 full term healthy newborn infants were included. The pregnant mothers were exposed to EMF emitted by mobile telephones while on telephone-dialing mode for 10 minutes during pregnancy and after birth. The main outcome were measurements of fetal and neonatal HR and COP. RESULTS: A statistical significant increase in fetal and neonatal HR, and statistical significant decrease in stroke volume and COP before and after use of mobile phone were noted. All these changes are attenuated with increase in gestational age. CONCLUSION: Exposure of pregnant women to mobile phone significantly increase fetal and neonatal HR, and significantly decreased the COP.

Die Praxis zeigt dass in die Schweiz, Belgien und die Niederlande jede sechste Paar keine Kinder mehr bekommen kann.
Ausserdem gibt es noch zahlreiche andere Praxisfälle (z.B. bei eine Österreichische Samenbank, wo nur 20 % der Samen junge Männer brauchbar sind) aber die sind alle nicht *wissenschaftlich* belegt.

Vor einige Jahren hat der französische Minister von Volksgesundheit, Bernard Kouchner, in Paris erklärt, dass schwangere Frauen keine Handys auf ihre Körper tragen sollen, und nicht telefonieren sollen in geschlossene Räume wie Aufzüge oder unterirdische Garagen.
Dazu muss er doch seine Gründe gehabt haben.
(Und nein, den Zeitungsartikel habe ich nicht mehr.)

Man sagt doch: *Wo Rauch ist, gibt es Feuer!*
Man kann dann die Augen schliessen und sagen, ich sehe nichts, also gibt es das nicht, aber so wirkt das nicht.

Ausserdem habe ich den Verdacht, dass die SSK die gleiche Haltung einnimmt wie die niederländische Gesundheitsrat. Die ponieren auch : Ja, wir kennen diese Studien, und ja sie sind wissenschaftlich. Aber darüber haben wir keine Meinung gebildet.
Und dann existieren sie anscheind nicht mehr.
Man ist dann sehr selektiv in die Auswahl.
Na ja, die Strahlen sind wenigstens gut geschützt. Aber die Samen ?

Charles Claessens

Ablenkung, Balmori

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