Augentinnitus (Forschung)

charles ⌂ @, Donnerstag, 01.08.2013, 09:34 (vor 4232 Tagen) @ H. Lamarr

Ja, heute sind unsere beide Kommentare plaziert.

Meine Frage:
How come that my posting from this morning did not appear beneath the article of this lawyer who refers to a Finnish study of 2002, which the Daily Mail wants us to believe is a recent one?
Normally your information is correct, but not this time.

Don Maisch schrieb mir:
I only check my blog posting once a day or so and so there is a lag from the time you send in a comment untilI see it and post. I have more to do with my life than sit in front of the computer instantly replying to one an all.

Inhaltlich hat er nicht geantwortet.

Charles Claessens

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