Neue Studie Hardell (Allgemein)
Hardell hat eine neue Studie herausgebracht,
Pooled analysis of case-control studies on acoustic neuroma diagnosed 1997-2003 and 2007-2009 and use of mobile and cordless phones
und eine weitere zu Meningeomen gibt es mit diesem Datensatz auch.
No conclusive evidence of an association between use of mobile and cordless phones and meningioma was found in this study. The results are in agreement with previous findings of no consistent evidence of an association between use of mobile and cordless phones and meningioma. The present results strengthen our previous findings of an increased risk for glioma and acoustic neuroma, since a systematic bias in those studies would have been expected also in this study of meningioma using the same methodology. An indication of increased risk for meningioma was seen in the group with highest cumulative use but was not supported by statistically significant increasing risk with latency. However, considering the long latency periods that have been reported for the increased meningioma risk associated with exposure to ionizing radiation it is still too early to make a definitive risk assessment.
Results for even longer latency periods of wireless phone use than in this study are desirable
Gefördert wurden diese neuen Arbeiten - neben den bekannten Unterstützern - von Environmental Health Trust (Devra Davis), Pandora Stiftung und Gigaherz Schweiz.
gesamter Thread:
- Neue Studie Hardell -
24.07.2013, 12:15
- Neue Studie Hardell -
24.07.2013, 15:40
- Neue Studie Hardell -
24.07.2013, 16:20
- Neue Studie Hardell -
24.07.2013, 17:25
- Neue Studie Hardell - charles, 24.07.2013, 17:35
- Neue Studie Hardell -
24.07.2013, 17:25
- Eine Studie - sieben Publikationen - H. Lamarr, 25.07.2013, 01:06
- Entweder oder: Hardell bei Gigaherz - H. Lamarr, 23.08.2013, 12:10
- Meningeomen-Studie Hardell (2007 bis 2009) - Gast, 27.09.2013, 16:21
- Neue Studie Hardell -
24.07.2013, 16:20
- Neue Studie Hardell -
24.07.2013, 15:40