Die Rolle von Niels Kuster: Betretenes Schweigen im Walde (Allgemein)

Alexander Lerchl @, Sonntag, 09.02.2020, 19:42 (vor 1722 Tagen) @ Alexander Lerchl

Am 2.2.2020 habe ich folgende E-Mail an alle Personen geschickt, die im Verteiler der Nacht von Niels Kuster an mich waren:

Dear Colleagues,

A few days ago you have received the exchange of emails between Dr. Kuster and myself because you were put in cc by Dr. Kuster. Since he asked me not to add or delete anything from his reponse, I have made the exchange public as previously anounced (the emails from him sent on Jan 24, 2020, and Feb 3, 2013, and my email to him from Jan 21, 2020, respectively). The public is the place where this scandal belongs to. The scientific organs (Journals, Commissions, scientists) are obviously unable to handle this case appropriately.

My question to you is: how do you see this case? What should be done by whom? As transparency is needed here more than anything, I want to make my question to you public. So if you would be so kind to let me know what your opinion is and whether you would agree to make your reponse public, I would very much appreciate it. I want to publish my questions and your answers next Sunday, February 9, around noon CET.

Thanks a lot

Alexander Lerchl

Bis heute habe ich folgende Antworten erhalten:

Prof. Peter Achermann, Titularprofessor für Schlafforschung, Universität Zürich
Vice President, Foundation Board, IT’IS Foundation
Antwort: bislang keine (nur ein Autoreply nach 17 Minuten)

Professor Quirino Balzano, PhD, University of Maryland
Vice President, Foundation Board, IT’IS Foundation
Antwort: keine

Dr. Myles Capstick
Associate Director, IT’IS Foundation
Antwort: keine

Prof. Qiuting Huang, PhD, Professor ETH Zürich
Foundation Board Member, IT’IS Foundation
Antwort: keine

Prof. em. Ralf Hütter, PhD, Emeritus Professor ETH Zürich
Lifetime Honorary President, Foundation Board, IT’IS Foundation
Antwort: keine

Mirjana Moser, PhD, former (?) Federal Office of Public Health (FOPH / BAG)
Foundation Board Member, IT’IS Foundation
Antwort: keine

Esra Neufeld, PhD
Project Leader, IT’IS Foundation
Antwort: keine

Prof. em. Peter Niederer, PhD, Emeritus Professor ETH Zürich
Foundation Board President, IT’IS Foundation
Antwort: keine

Prof. Dr. Lukas Novotny, ETH Zürich
Board Member, IT’IS Foundation
Antwort: keine

Jaqueline Pieper, IT’IS, EEO
Antwort: keine

Prof. Klaas P. Prüssmann, ETH Zürich
Foundation Board Member, IT’IS Foundation
Antwort: keine

Prof. Primo Schär, Universität Basel
Foundation Board Member, IT’IS Foundation
Antwort: keine

Prof. em. Heinrich Walt, PhD, University of Zürich
Foundation Board Member, IT’IS Foundation
Antwort: keine

Vanessa Wood, ETH Zürich
Antwort: keine

"Ein Esoteriker kann in fünf Minuten mehr Unsinn behaupten, als ein Wissenschaftler in seinem ganzen Leben widerlegen kann." Vince Ebert

Schweigen, Wissenschaftler, Dialog, Transparenz, Kuster

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