CERENAT-Studie: Klarstellung geklärt (Forschung)

H. Lamarr @, München, Freitag, 16.05.2014, 00:03 (vor 3795 Tagen) @ H. Lamarr

Kommentar: Diese Klarstellung ist mMn so unklar, dass sie eine Klarstellung verdient, was denn nun wirklich Sache ist.

Eine Nachfrage des IZgMF bei Isabelle Baldi hat unten in der Klarstellung zu den beiden rot formatierten Texteinschüben geführt. Ich meine, jetzt ist der Text besser verständlich:

The authors of these studies also point out that an exposure of 896 hours or more in a lifetime is not equivalent to 15 hours per month (this is the way our results have been presented in several journals ... because of a rapid calculation : 900 h in 5 years time - mean duration of phone use in the study - corresponds mathematically to 30 minutes per day) or 30 minutes per day. This figure is an extrapolation, which leads to confusion. When we talk of 30 minutes per day, everyone feels concerned, because this happens to everyone one day, but not every day (to reach 900 hrs in 1 year, it supposes that you have to call 30 minutes EVERY DAY FOR 5 YEARS ... this corresponds to 15 hours per month, which is a very large use of phone, observed mainly in occupational users).
They also emphasise that the number of calls is not associated with tumours.

Jedes komplexe Problem hat eine Lösung, die einfach, naheliegend, plausibel – und falsch ist.
– Frei nach Henry Louis Mencken (1880–1956) –

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