Shame on you, Prof. Adlkofer (Forschung)

Sektor3, Sonntag, 05.07.2009, 17:53 (vor 5569 Tagen)
bearbeitet von Sektor3, Sonntag, 05.07.2009, 18:19

[Hinweis: Nach Prüfung bzgl. Verbotsbehauptung wieder frei gegeben am 23.10.2013]

bevor es eine Rüge gibt, das ist nicht von mir, sondern einem Berater der WHO:

Three Decades of the Tobacco Industry's Hidden Research on Smoking and Health Norbert Hirschhorn, M D Consultant to the World Health Organization

Prof. Adlkofer spielt mit 214! namentlichen Erwähnungen darin eine oskarverdächtige Hauptrolle. Besonders gut gefällt mir Seite 135.

Aus dem Jahr 1992 heißt es dort:

While the quality of the Scientific Department a desk and laboratory research aims at an international level, the thrust is predominantly to influence scientific and political opinions and developments in Germany. . . .
As a person and scientist, Dr . Adlkofer is very well connected both with many reputable international scientists as well as leading scientific and political figures who are important for the Industry in Germany . . .. With the exception of one or two anti-smoking zealots, Dr. Adlkofer is accepted by and in a position to talk with practically every scientist and government official in Germany . His access to many International scientists is remarkable . . .. I have great difficulty to imagine the Verband working in the way they do now without Dr. Adlkofer as the head of the Verband's Scientific Department.

The new foundation succeeding the Forschungsrats Rauchen and Gesundheit is to be called "VERUM" (Stiftung fur Verhaltung and Umwelt, Behavior and Environment Foundation) . [N .B. An article In International Journal o f Hygiene and Environmental Medicine 1997 ; 200 : M2 by anti-tobacco activist Prof. Dr. med. F .J. Wiebel describes the foundation . Five-sixths funding directly from the VdC, one-sixth from interest on the endowment . VERUM's real work is intended to distract from the real problem of passive smoking as an environmental hazard . )

Verband bzw. VdC ist Verband der Cigarettenindustrie.

Filz, Prof. Adlkofer, Verum, VdC, Zigarette, Industrienähe, Schande

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