Andrew Goldsworthy weiß, warum EMF krank macht (Allgemein)

charles ⌂ @, Sonntag, 06.07.2008, 00:21 (vor 5937 Tagen) @ H. Lamarr

Andrew Goldsworthy ist ein bekannter Wissenschaftler.

Andrew Goldsworthy, BSc, PhD
Andrew Goldsworthy is an Honorary Lecturer in Biology at Imperial College London. He retired
from full time teaching in 2004 but still gives occasional lectures there in specialist subjects such
as food irradiation and the (exorbitant) energy cost of modern food production.
He was born just before the Second World War and, after a grammar school education in Wales,
obtained a First Class Honours Degree in Botany, followed by a PhD at the University College
of Swansea. He then took a lecturing post at Imperial College London where, apart from a short
secondment to work in agricultural research and a sabbatical in the USA, he has been ever since.
At Imperial, he acquired a reputation among students for explaining complex subjects in simple
terms, for 'out of the box' thinking, and for spicing his courses with unusual lectures such as
those on space biology and the scientific basis of acupuncture.
His research and teaching, extend from the physiology and biochemistry of photosynthesis and
photorespiration through the biological effects of electromagnetically treated water to the
electrophysiology of plants. He also designed an experiment for the Anglo-Russian 'Juno' space
mission and is now a member of the Life Sciences Advisory Group for the European Space
As well as 'regular' scientific papers, mainly on plant electrophysiology, he has written several
popular science feature articles for the New Scientist on such diverse subjects as 'Why Trees are
Green' and 'The Cell Electric' (on the evolution of plant and animal action potentials and the
origin of the nervous system).
His interest in the biological effects of electromagnetic fields dates back over 30 years but has
only recently come to fruition with the publication of a new theory that explains many of their
seemingly weird effects in simple physico-chemical terms. It was first published (mainly in
relation to plants) in Plant Electrophysiology - Theory and Methods, Ed AG Volkov (Springer
2006). This was followed by an Internet publication in 2007 (which can be viewed on this site)
entitled 'The Biological Effects of Weak Electromagnetic Fields', which deals with their effects
on humans and animals and, in particular, the dangers from mobile phones.
The article also includes a section that draws attention to the remarkable similarity between the
symptoms of electrosensitivity and those of hypocalcemia (low blood calcium). This is
interpreted as being due to both electromagnetic fields and low blood calcium removing
structural calcium from cell membranes to produce similar physiological effects. It is argued that
electrosensitive individuals may already have a slightly low level of calcium in their bloodstream
so that electromagnetic exposure 'pushes them over the edge' and they develop hypocalcemia
symptoms. If this is correct, it raises the possibility that conventional treatments for
hypocalcemia may remove some if not all of the symptoms of electrosensitivity.

Selected papers

- The Biological Effects of Weak Electromagnetic Fields, Andrew Goldsworthy, 2007
- Goldsworthy A, 2006. 'Effects of electrical and electromagnetic fields on plants and
related topics'. In Plant Electrophysiology - Theory and Methods. Ed. Volkov A G
(Springer, Berlin, Hiedelberg, New York).
- Goldsworthy A, Whitney H, Morris E, 1999. 'Biological effects of physically
conditioned water'. Water Research. 33, 1618-1626.
- Goldsworthy A, 1996. 'Electrostimulation of cells by weak electric currents'. In
Electrical Manipulation of Cells. Eds. Lynch, P., Davey, M.R. (Chapman and Hall, New
- Goldsworthy A, 1995. 'Photorespiration'. In Production and Improvement of Crops for
Drylands. Ed. Gupta, U.S. (Oxford & IBH Publishing Co., New Delhi).
- Mina M G, Goldsworthy A, 1992. 'Electrical polarization of tobacco cells by Ca2+ ion
channels'. J. Exptl. Bot. 43, 449-454.
- Goldsworthy A, 1991. 'The Phycobilins'. In Photoreceptor Evolution and Function, ed.
Holmes, M.G. (Acad. Press, London).
- Mina M G, Goldsworthy A, 1991. Changes in the electrical polarity of tobacco cells
following the application of weak external currents. Planta 186, 104-108.
- Goldsworthy A, Mina M G, 1991. Electrical patterns of tobacco cells tobacco cells in
media containing indole-3-acetic acid or 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid. Planta 183,
- Goldsworthy A, 1988. 'Growth control in plant tissue cultures'. In Advances in
Biotechnological Processes, Volume 9. Ed. Mizrahi A (Alan R Liss, New York).
- Goldsworthy A, 1987. Why trees are green. New Scientist 116 (1590), 48-52.
- Goldsworthy A, 1987. Why did nature select green plants? Nature 328, 207-208.
- Goldsworthy A, 1987. 'Electrical control of growth in plant tissue cultures'. In Plant and
Animal Cells: Process Possibilities. Eds. Webb, C. and Mavituna, F. (Ellis Horlwood,
Chichester 1987).
- Goldsworthy A, 1986. The electric compass of plants. New Scientist 109 (1489), 22-23.
- Goldsworthy A, Rathore K S, 1985. Electrical control of shoot regeneration in plant
tissue cultures. Bio/Technology 3, 1107-1109.
- Rathore K S, Goldsworthy A, 1985. Electrical control of growth in plant tissue cultures.
Bio/Technology 3, 253-254.
- Goldsworthy A, 1984. The cell electric. New Scientist 102 (1407), 14-15.
- Goldsworthy A, 1983. The evolution of plant action potentials. J. Theor. Biol. 103, 645-
- Goldsworthy A, Fielding J L, Dover M B J, 1982. 'Flash Imbibition' a method for the reinvigoration
of aged wheat seed. Seed Sci. & Technol. 10, 55-65.
- Goldsworthy A, 1978. An instrument for measuring crop density by light absorbance.
Ann. Bot. 42, 1315-1325.
- Goldsworthy A, Gates R, Ridgley D L, 1977. An electronic coleoptile measuring device.
J. Exptl. Bot. 28, 744-750

Seine Website beim Imperial College London, Department of Biological Sciences:

Und er hat in 2007 und 2008 auch noch verschiedene Artikel geschrieben:
Sie stehen in der Mitte gleich oben Modulaties auf:
Alle Artikel sind in die englische Sprache.

Nur weil man beim IZgMF nicht weiter als die eigene (Deutsche) Nase geguckt hat, heisst das nicht das Andrew Goldsworthy irgendein Trottel ist der keine Ahnung hat. Im Gegenteil.

Ich meine, bestimmte Wissenschaftler werden mit zwei Masseinheiten betrachtet.
Von Klitzing, Prof. A., Rüdiger, Warnke werden hier behandelt als ob sie keine Wissenschaftler sind, nur weil sie kritisch sind.
Da entgegen werden Kaul, Frick, Hauser, Landgrebe, Eichhammer, usw. ohne weiteres als sachkundige Wissenschaftler vertraut, obwohl sie von *ES* keine Ahnung haben.

Charles Claessens

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