Mikrowellen: Robuste Matrosen der US-Marine (Forschung)

Alexander Lerchl @, Dienstag, 09.11.2010, 08:07 (vor 5102 Tagen) @ H. Lamarr

Dieser Site zufolge (unten, Tabelle 1) wurden zwischen 1950 bis 1974 zwei Gruppen zu je 20'000 US-Marineangehörigen betrachtet. Die eine Gruppe war schwach mit Mikrowellen befeldet worden, die andere (Techniker) stark mit 10 W/m² bis zu 50 W/m². Am Ende des Beobachtungszeitraums 1974 wurden die Krankenakten ausgewertet und die Sterblichkeits- sowie Dienstunfähigkeitsraten der beiden Gruppen verglichen. Ergebnis: Kein signifikanter Unterschied, weder bei der Sterblichkeit noch bei der Krebsrate (Robinette et al., 1990).

Ist es vielleicht diese Studie (aus 1980): Robinette C. D. , Silverman C. , Jablon S., Effects upon health of occupational exposure to microwave radiation (radar), Am. J. Epidemiol., 112 (1980) 39–53.

Abstract: The effects of occupational experience with microwave radiation (radar) on the health of US enlisted Naval personnel were studied in cohorts of approximately 20,000 men with maximum opportunity for exposure (electronic equipment repair) and 208000 with minimum potential for exposure (equipment operation) who served during the Korean War period. Potential exposure was assessed in terms of occupational duties, length of time in occupation and power of equipment at the time of exposure. Actual exposure to members of each cohort could not be established. Mortality by cause of death, hospitalization during military service, later hospitalization in Veterans Administration (VA) facilities, and VA disability compensation were the health indexes studied, largely through the use of automated record systems. No adverse effects were detected in these indexes that could be attributed to potential microwave radiation exposures during the period 1950-1954. Functional and behavioral changes and ill-defined conditions, such as have been reported as microwave effects, could not be investigated in this study but subgroups of the living study population can be identified for expanded follow-up.

Der Link zum Volltext ist:
(Allerdings ist mir nicht bekannt, ob er frei verfügbar ist. Ich kann ihn jedenfalls sehen.)

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