Interphone: Vorbereitungen zur Publikation (Allgemein)

H. Lamarr @, München, Montag, 01.02.2010, 20:00 (vor 5382 Tagen)

Am 28. Januar 2010 ließ die IARC verlauten:

Statement on the distribution of embargoed material prior to the publication of the Interphone study paper

28/01/2010 -
Further to the joint IARC/UICC/CREAL statement issued simultaneously on 28 May 2009 concerning the submission of the Interphone study paper, this is to clarify the respective responsibilities in terms of communication of embargoed material to non-media interested parties.

As no single organization involved in the Interphone study has the adequate resources to organize and conduct such a complex exercise toward non-media interested parties, in an exhaustive and systematic fashion, it was decided by the Interphone Study Group, and in conformity with the Study Protocol, that the IARC Communications Group, jointly with CREAL and UICC, will communicate with international partners, including the European Commission and the World Health Organization, a maximum of 7 days ahead of publication, under embargo conditions. Communication with national interested parties will be the responsibility of the national principal investigators. These interested parties should contact the respective national scientists for more detail.

Kurz: Höchstens sieben Tage vor Publikation der Interphone-Studie bekommen EU-Kommission und WHO vorab unter dem Siegel der Verschwiegenheit die Ergebnisse zur Kenntnis. Wer sonst noch auf nationaler Ebene diese vertrauliche Vorabinformation gesteckt bekommt, liegt im Verantwortungsbereich der nationalen Studienleiter (auch oberste Strahlenschutzbehörde). Wer Interesse hat, solle sich an diese wenden. Für Deutschland müssten dies mMn J. Schüz bzw. BfS/SSK sein.

Jedes komplexe Problem hat eine Lösung, die einfach, naheliegend, plausibel – und falsch ist.
– Frei nach Henry Louis Mencken (1880–1956) –

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