ICNIRP wertet NTP- und Ramazzini-Studie ab (Allgemein)

H. Lamarr @, München, Freitag, 20.07.2018, 19:34 (vor 2288 Tagen)

[Selbständiger Teilstrang abgetrennt am 18.09.2018, Absprung war hier]

Im Zuge der Novellierung der EMF-Immissionsrichtlinien hat sich ICNIRP auch mit der NTP- und der Ramazzini-Studie (nicht zu verwechseln mit dem Kräuterlikör Ramazzotti) beschäftigt. Was dabei herausgekommen ist zeigt Anhang B (Link siehe oben) des neuen Richtlinienentwurfs ab Zeile 346. Fazit: Beide Studien haben aus Sicht von ICNIRP nicht genug Beweiskraft, um den Schluss ziehen zu können, Mobilfunk verursache Krebs. Die Begründung für diese Bewertung lautet:

A recent, large animal study, performed by the US National Toxicology Program (NTP) reported an increased rate of cardiac schwannoma in male rats exposed to radiofrequency EMF, but not in female rats or either male or female mice (NTP 2018). As the exposure was approximately 75 times higher than the ICNIRP (1998) whole body average general public limit, the results are not directly relevant to radiofrequency EMF levels that humans would typically be exposed to. Further, humans are far more efficient at diminishing the resultant body core temperature rise than rats. As noted by the internal NTP review (NTP 2018), there are also a number of methodological issues that limit the usefulness of the results for EMF health assessment. Of particular note is that the statistics were not able to determine whether the higher number of cardiac schwannomas that were reported was more than what would be expected by chance alone (given that no control for multiple comparisons was applied). This is particularly important given that a graded dose-response relation was not found, no consistency across rodent species or genders was found, and the results are not consistent with the radiofrequency EMF cancer literature more generally.

A similar study [Ramazzini-Studie; Anm. "Spatenpauli"] that was conducted concurrently with the NTP study reported that they had replicated these NTP results on cardiac schwannoma (Falcioni et al., 2018). However, similar to the NTP study, the statistics were also not designed to determine whether the increase was higher than would be expected by chance alone (due to uncorrected multiple statistical comparisons). The schwannoma findings in these two studies are inconsistent in terms of the exposure-response association as the Italian study observed an ‘increased’ number of schwannomas at low exposure levels where no increase in schwannoma was observed in the NTP study. These studies therefore do not provide sufficient evidence to conclude that radiofrequency EMF can cause cancer.

Jedes komplexe Problem hat eine Lösung, die einfach, naheliegend, plausibel – und falsch ist.
– Frei nach Henry Louis Mencken (1880–1956) –

ICNIRP, Wissenschaftler, NTP-Studie, Ramazzini, Schwannom, Falcioni

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