EUROPAEM EMF-Leitlinie 2015: Titel vs. Posten & Pöstchen (Allgemein)

H. Lamarr @, München, Donnerstag, 03.12.2015, 22:51 (vor 3248 Tagen) @ Gast

Von: Belyaev I, Dean A, Eger H, Hubmann G, Jandrisovits R, Johansson O, Kern M, Kundi M, Lercher P, Mosgöller W, Moshammer H, Müller K, Oberfeld G, Ohnsorge P, Pelzmann P, Scheingraber C, Thill R

Irgendwann Ende 2014 brachte die Site Ärzte und Mobilfunk einen ersten Hinweis auf die Reinkarnation von Gerd Oberfelds EMF-Leitlinie. Viel steht dort nicht. Den meisten Platz beansprucht die Parade der damals 17 Autoren. Bei Claus Scheingraber fiel mir auf, dass er dort noch als Zahnarzt zu identifizieren war, später in der Publikation war dies nicht mehr der Fall. Deshalb nachfolgend der Vergleich der Autorenvorstellungen, wie sie Ende 2015 in der Publikation gelistet sind (schwarz) und wie sie Ende 2014 auf der Website Ärzte und Mobilfunk vorgestellt wurden (grün). Die Unterschiede sind z.T. beträchtlich, Posten/Pöstchen stehen in der Publikation irreführend im Vordergrund, die Autoren sollen dadurch anscheinend bedeutender wirken als sie es tatsächlich sind.

Igor Belyaev: Cancer Research Institute, Slovak Academy of Science, Bratislava, Slovak Republic; and Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia
Belyaev I., DrSc, Head, Laboratory of Radiobiology, Cancer Research Institute, Slovak Academy of Science, Slovak Republic; Prof., Department of Ecological and Medical Problems, Prokhorov General Physics Institute, Russian Academy of Science, Moscow, Russia

Amy Dean: American Academy of Environmental Medicine, Wichita, Kansas, USA
Dean A., MD, Board certified in Environmental Medicine, Internal Medicine and Holistic Medicine, President of the American Academy of Environmental Medicine (AAEM), USA

Horst Eger: Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians of Bavaria, Medical Quality Circle “Electromagnetic Fields in Medicine – Diagnostic, Therapy, Environment”, Naila, Germany
Eger H., MD, General Practitioner, Medical Quality Group, Germany

Gerhard Hubmann: Center for Holistic Medicine “MEDICUS”, Vienna, Austria; and Wiener Internationale Akademie für Ganzheitsmedizin (GAMED), Vienna, Austria
Hubmann G., MD, General Practitioner, MEDICUS Therapy Center for Holistic Medicine, Vienna, Austria

Reinhold Jandrisovits: Medical Association Burgenland, Environmental Medicine Department, Eisenstadt, Austria
Jandrisovits R., MD, General Practitioner, Secretary for Environmental Medicine of the Medical Association of Burgenland, Austria

Olle Johansson: The Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden
Johansson O., Assoc. prof., Experimental Dermatology Unit, Department of Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

Markus Kern: Medical Quality Circle “Electromagnetic Fields in Medicine – Diagnosis, Treatment and Environment”, Kempten, Germany; and Kompetenzinitiative zum Schutz von Mensch, Umwelt u. Demokratie e.V, Kempten, Germany
Kern M., MD, Specialist for Psychosomatic Medicine, Board of Directors Kompetenzinitiative e,V., Germany

Autor Kühn fehlt in der Ende 2015 publizierten EMF-Leitlinie
Kühn T., MD, General Practitioner, Assistant Secretary for Environmental Medicine of the Medical Association of Upper Austria, Austria

Michael Kundi and Hanns Moshammer: Institute of Environmental Health, Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Kundi M., Prof., Head of the Institute of Environmental Health, Medical University of Vienna, Austria
Moshammer H., MD, Specialist for Hygiene and Microbiology, Institute of Environmental Health, Medical University Vienna, Austria

Piero Lercher: Medical Association Vienna, Environmental Medicine Department, Vienna, Austria
Lercher P., MD, Specialist for Sports Medicine and Environmental Medicine, Secretary for Environmental Medicine of the Medical Association of Vienna, Austria

Wilhelm Mosgöller: Institute of Cancer Research Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria
Mosgöller W., MD, prof., Institute for Cancer Research, Medical University of Vienna, Austria

Kurt Müller: European Academy for Environmental Medicine, Kempten, Germany
Müller K., MD, Specialist for Dermatology, Occupational Dermatology, Environmental Medicine, Chairman EUROPAEM, Germany

Gerd Oberfeld, Department of Public Health, Government of Land Salzburg, Austria
Oberfeld G., MD, Public Health Department, Government of Land Salzburg, Austria

Peter Ohnsorge: European Academy for Environmental Medicine, Würzburg, Germany
Ohnsorge P., MD, Specialist for Otorhinolaryngology, Managing Chairman EUROPAEM, Germany

Peter Pelzmann: Department of electronics and computer science engineering, HTL Danube City, Vienna, Austria
Pelzmann P., Graduate Engineer, HTL Danube City, Vienna, Department of electronics and computer science engineering, Austria

Claus Scheingraber: Working Group Electro-Biology (AEB), Munich, Germany; and Association for Environmental- and Human-Toxicology (DGUHT), Würzburg, Germany
Scheingraber C., Dr. Dentist, Specialist for electric, magnetic and electromagnetic pollution, Germany

Roby Thill: Association for Environmental Medicine (ALMEN) Beaufort, Luxembourg
Thill R., MD, General Practitioner, Chairman of Luxembourgisch Association for Environmental Medicine (ALMEN), Board of Directors EUROPAEM, Luxembourg

Jedes komplexe Problem hat eine Lösung, die einfach, naheliegend, plausibel – und falsch ist.
– Frei nach Henry Louis Mencken (1880–1956) –

Oberfeld, Seilschaft, Eger, Johansson, Kundi, Kern, Mosgöller, Scheingraber, Mitstreiter, Belyaev, Akademie, Europaem, Lercher, Würzburg, Thill

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