Prof. A.: Volles Vertrauen der Zigarettenindustrie (Forschung)

Sektor3, Montag, 06.07.2009, 08:43 (vor 5575 Tagen) @ Sektor3

Aus dem Protokoll eines Arbeitstreffens der Zigarettenindustrie 1993

Die Zigarettenindustrie war besorgt, dass Prof. Adlkofer/VERUM ein bischen zu unabhängig werden könnten. Da schadet die Bemerkung nichts, dass Forscher der Zigarettenindustrie diese entweder unterstützen oder zumindest nicht schädigen sollten. Prof. Adlkofer erfreute sich diesbezüglich des vollsten Vertrauens seiner Kameraden.

(c)' As a side remark, Prof. Adlkofer said that in the future all his reports will be published through the new foundation "VERUM" where the editorial committee will by definition not have any access nor right of release. Konig seemed to be a bit puzzled by this and hastened to remark that though a scientist were free to utter his opinion he remained a member of a group: - in this case our industry - and had to promote or at least not to damage this industry . However, he added, that he was fully convinced that Prof. Adlkofer has always taken care of this . ..

Zur Gründung von VERUM:
(VdC = Verband der Cigarettenindustrie)

The official founding session took place on March 19, 1993 . Members of the Board are Thurau (chairman), Kaiser, Kochsieck, Schettler, and Scholz. Prof. Adlkofer is manager of the Foundation with the title of a secretary . The Scientific Advisory Committee is partly staffed, mainly by professors who were members of the old research committee . The President of the VDC Board had comrnitted the VDC to pay 2 .75 Mio DEM annually (disclaimer: if the sales allow it) where 300 .000 may be used directly and the rest for research projects . Discussions are ongoing to interest the German automobile industry (VW, BMW, Mercedes) in a participation . It was discussed whether the position of Prof. A. was too "visible" or not ..

Tabak, Adlkofer, Verum, Zigarettenindustrie, VdC, Tabakdokumente, Verbandsarbeit, Disclaimer

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