In Belgien gültige EMF-Grenzwerte – Stand Ende 2018 (Technik)
Die Belgier machen es einem nicht leicht, ihren Grenzwert-Wirrwarr auf die Reihe zu bringen. Hier ein neuer Anlauf, Quelle ist die belgische Regulierungsbehörde BIPT, die es eigentlich am besten wissen müsste. Also, tief Luft holen und durch, die im Original enthaltenen Fußnoten habe ich weggelassen, es ist auch ohne noch verzwickt genug:
Region Brüssel (Stadt und Landkreis)
The ordinance of 1 March 2007 on the protection of the environment against any harmful effects and nuisance caused by non-ionising radiation sets a cumulative limit of 0,096 W/m² (i.e. about 6 V/m) at a frequency of 900 MHz, in the zones accessible to the public. This limit varies depending on the frequency :
► 0.043 W/m² for frequencies between 0.1 and 400 MHz;
► f/9375 in W/m² between 400 MHz and 2 GHz, where f represents the frequency in MHz;
► 0.22 W/m² for frequencies between 2 GHz and 300 GHz.
According to the Decree of the Government of the Brussels-Capital Region of 30 October 2009 on certain antennas emitting electromagnetic waves, all the antennas of an operator shall not exceed 33% of the cumulative limit.
Region Flandern
The Decree of the Flemish Government of 1 June 1995 laying down the general and sector-bound provisions regarding environmental hygiene (VLAREM II) sets a cumulative limit of 20.58 V/m at 900 MHz, for all the zones that are accessible to the public. This limit varies depending on the frequency:
► 13.7 V/m for frequencies between 10 and 400 MHz;
► 0,686 √f expressed in V/m between 400 MHz and 2 GHz, where f represents the frequency in MHz;
► 30.7 V/m for frequencies between 2 GHz and 10 GHz.
Pursuant to the Decree of the Flemish Government of 1 June 1995, each antenna of an operator cannot exceed 3 V/m at 900 MHz, which corresponds to 2.125% of the cumulative limit.
In practice, the limit per antenna is always the most restrictive.
Region Wallonien
The Decree of 3 April 2009 on the protection against any harmful effects and nuisance caused by non-ionising radiation generated by stationary transmitting antennas lays down a limit of 3 V/m for each antenna of an operator, regardless of the frequency.
Jedes komplexe Problem hat eine Lösung, die einfach, naheliegend, plausibel – und falsch ist.
– Frei nach Henry Louis Mencken (1880–1956) –
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