BEMS Juni 2008 in San Diego (Allgemein)

Doris @, Sonntag, 27.04.2008, 16:56 (vor 5885 Tagen)

Die Bioelectromagnetics Society hat für ihre 30. Jahresversammlung, die im Juni 2008 in San Diego (Kalifornien, USA) stattfindet, das Programm mit der Übersicht der Veranstaltungen und Vorträgen herausgegeben.

Wenn ich das richtig gelesen habe, dann werden auch die Ergebnisse der Interphone Studie behandelt.

Thanks to the efforts of the following individuals, four sessions have been designed to review topics of
longstanding interest to the Society: (1.) Joachim Schüz organized a roundtable to review and discuss the
Interphone Study results related to cell phones and brain tumors. Does longer exposure increase the risk? (2.)
Bob Cleveland has arranged a review of RF and ELF exposure standards. Are current standards enough? How
else can risk be assessed? (3.) Darius Leszczynski has organized a symposium to review the mechanisms of
interaction between magnetic fields and biological tissues. Does new evidence explain the transduction step?
and, (4.) Carl Blackman and Martin Blank have organized a session on Bioelectromagnetics in Society. Can we
learn more about risk assessment from other disciplines? Be prepared to comment and ask questions! Also, if
you come to the meeting early, please attend the Sunday workshop on nanosecond pulses sponsored by the U.S.
Air Force.

Blank, Leszczynski, Blackman

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