CardioMessenger: Fernüberwachung von Herzschrittmacher (Technik)
Die relevanten technischen Passagen der US-Zulassungsbehörden FCC
“.. In this proceeding, the Commission seeks comment on the feasibility of allowing up to 24
megahertz of spectrum in the 413-457 MHz band to be used on a secondary basis under the Medical Device Radiocommunication Service (MedRadio Service)…
Transmitter power and duty cycle. Based upon prototype MMN devices presently
undergoing experimental testing, Alfred Mann states that each implantable microstimulator could be
limited to a maximum EIRP of 200 microwatts; and each external master control unit could be limited to
operate at a maximum EIRP of 1 milliwatt.51 With respect to anticipated duty cycle requirements, Alfred
Mann further states that each implanted MMN transmitter would be expected to transmit data for
approximately 5 microseconds every 11 milliseconds and receive data for approximately 6 microseconds every 11 milliseconds (i.e., less than 0.05 percent transmit duty cycle). Thus, for a system with 10 to 20 implanted microstimulators, the transmit duty cycle of the master control unit would be approximately 3 percent..."
Eine gezielte “Remote-Stimmulation” vom “behandelden” Arzt ist zwar noch nicht vorgesehen – sollte das aber mal geplant sein, dann wäre das sicherlich eine interessante Spielwiese für den ChaosComputerClub mit dem SoftwareDefinedRadio (vom Typ USRP mit GNUradio), denn die haben ja damit auch schon u.a. DECT ~gehackt~.